Dunder Methods in Python for Type Conversions
Dunder methods are special kind of methods that begins and ends with double underscores. The name “dunder” is used unofficially in the Python community. Python documentation refers them as “special methods” or “magic methods”. The convention for their naming is __method__(). They have special purpose in Python. Some are for creating and controlling objects, some are to support object-oriented features in Python, some are for arithmetic operations and many more. In this article we will discuss all the dunder methods that are used for type conversions in Python.
In Python, to convert any object into a string we use built-in function str(x). When “str(x)” is called on any object, it returns the user friendly string representaion of that object. Internally it calls the dunder method __str__(). So, if we call “str(x)”, this invocation converts to x.__str__(x)
by Python and returns what ever the __str__() method returns. Note that __str__() should always return a string value, if not Python will raise a “TypeError”.
There is a built-in __str__ method defined for all the classes across Python that returns general information like the class this object belongs-to and the objects memory address. But we can override this behavior and return more meaningful information by overriding __str__() method in a class. Following is an example.
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __str__(self):
return f"Name is {self.name} and age is {self.age}"
obj = Person("Nahid", 30)
# Name is Nahid and age is 30
“__repr__()” is called by Python when we invoke repr(x) function on any object. This method should return the official representation of an object which is usually used by the developers mostly instead of users. The returned value of __repr__() should be a valid Python expression string that if we evaluate should recreate the object itself. When a class doesn’t define __str__() but __repr__() is defined then after calling str(x) function on that class’s object will invoke __repr__().
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __repr__(self):
return f"Person('{self.name}', {self.age})"
obj1 = Person("Nahid", 30)
print(str(obj1)) # Person('Nahid', 30)
print(repr(obj1)) # Person('Nahid', 30)
# when we evaluate the return value of __repr__(), it recreates the object.
obj2 = eval(repr(obj1))
print("obj1 repr representation: ", repr(obj1))
print("obj2 repr representation: ", repr(obj2))
# obj1 repr representation: Person('Nahid', 30)
# obj2 repr representation: Person('Nahid', 30)
Python’s built-in function bool(x) converts value x
to a boolean value of True or False. For the built-in types Python has its own rules to convert a value into a boolean. Python converts all the zero values(0, 0.0, “”, [], {}) to False and all the other values to True. But when it comes for the object of a user defined class “bool(x)” will always return True. To customize this behavior we can implement __bool__() method in a class. Note that, __bool__() method should always return a boolean value otherwise Python will through a “TypeError” exception. In the code snippet below we will implement Person.__bool__()
method that will return False if the age is negative or greater than 100.
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __bool__(self):
if self.age < 0 or self.age > 100:
return False
return True
obj = Person("Nahid", 30)
print(bool(obj)) # True
obj = Person("Nahid", -1)
print(bool(obj)) # False
To convert a numeric string value or a float value into integer we use int(x) in Python. When we call int(‘100’) it returns the numeric value of 100 and when we call int(100.5) it returns the numetic value of 100 rounding down the value to the closest integer. Internally Python calls __int__() method on the object when we call built-it “int()” function. So we can define __int__() on any custom class to make it work with the built-in function “int()”. Note that, __int__() must return a integer value otherwise it will raise a “TypeError” when called with “int()”. If the custom class doesn’t implement __int__() and we call “int()” on it’s object, Python will also raise a “TypeError”.
class MyInt:
def __int__(self):
return 100
obj = MyInt()
# 100
The built-in float(x) function converts a value into a float value. If we call float(‘100’) it will convert the string value ‘100’ into a float 100.0. We can implement __float__() method on our custom class to make its object work with “float(x)” function. __float__() must return a float type value otherwise will raise “TypeError” exception. Also when we call “float(x)” on an object without __float__() method defined it will also raise “TypeError” exception.
class MyFloat:
def __float__(self):
return 100.0
obj = MyFloat()
# 100.0
When we call bytes(x) on any objects it return a Bytes object. Byte object is like string but only consists of byte characters. Bytes are immutable, on the other hand bytearray()
returns mutable bytearray object. In our custom user defined class, we have to define __bytes__() method to make it work with “bytes(x)”. __bytes__() should always return a Bytes object, otherwise it will raise “TypeError” exception. Also if a class doesn’t define __bytes__() method calling its object with “bytes(x)” will results a “TypeError” exception.
class MyBytes:
def __bytes__(self):
return b'100'
obj = MyBytes()
# b'100'
Built-in complex(x) function returns a complex number. Complex number has two parts, the real part and the imaginary part. In python we can append the letter ‘j’ or ‘J’ to a numeric literals yielding a imaginary number which can be converted to complex number by adding an integer or a float value. If we want our custom class to work with “complex(x)” function we have to define __complex__() method in the class. This method always returns a complex number, if not will raise “TypeError” exception. Same is true when we call “complex(x)” with an object not implementing __complex__() method.
class MyComplex:
def __complex__(self):
return 1 + 2j
obj = MyComplex()
# (1+2j)
Type conversion is a fundamental aspect of any programming language, and Python provides built-in mechanism to facilitates type conversion between types. Beyond those built-ins, Python allows programmers to integrate type conversion behavior into their custom classes. Python provides different dunder methods to achieve this. In this article we just discussed those dunder methods and how they enable custom type conversion in Python.
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